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02 November 2011

Pumpkin Cake /Tort de bostan

For those of you who are like me and  love pumpkin ,here is a delicious  recipe . I made it twice, it came out light ,moist and delicious! You can be sure I'll make it again for Thanksgiving .
Daca va place bostanul la fel de mult cum imi place si mie, incercati reteta urmatoare! Am facut-o de 2 ori ,a iesit delicoasa! Si puteti fi siguri ca o voi face iar cit de curind!

  1. 1 cups white sugar
  2. 3/4 cups vegetable oil
  3. ½ cup apple sauce
  4. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  5. 2 cups canned (or pureed ) pumpkin
  6. 4 eggs
  7. 1 ¾  cups all-purpose flour
  8. 3 teaspoons baking powder
  9. 2 teaspoons baking soda
  10. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  11. 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  12. ½  tsp Nutmeg
  13. ½  tsp ground cloves
  14. 1/8 tsp allspice
  15. 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
  16. 1-2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries (optional)
  17. 2 tbsp  oranje or lemon  juice ,or  even apple cider vinegar
  1. 1 cana (240 ml) zahar
  2. 3/4 cana ulei
  3. 1/2 cana sos de mere(mere fierte si pasate)
  4. 1 lingurita vanilie
  5. 2 cani pireu de bostan
  6. 4 oua
  7. 1 ¾ cana faina
  8. 3 lingurite praf de copt
  9. 2lingurite bicarbonat
  10. 1/4 lingurita sare
  11. 2 lingurite scortisoara
  12. 1/2 lingurita nucsoara
  13. 1/2 lingurita cuisoare (macinate)
  14. 1/8 lingurita Ienibahar
  15. 1 cana nuci tocate (nu risnite)- optional
  16. 1/2 cana merisoare sau visine congelate  -optional
  17. 2 linguri suc de lamie sau portocale sau chiar otet( de mere)

1.   Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 12x18 inch pan or a round pan . Sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Set aside.

 Incalziti cuptorul la 175*C .tapetati tava cu faina . Cerneti faina ,bicarbonatul , praful de copt,sarea si siscortisoara.
2.   Beat the egg whites to soft peaks, then continue beating while slowly adding the sugar until stiff peaks have formed. Fold in egg yolks until evenly mixed, add oil a little at the time , then fold in apple sauce and pumpkin and the flour ,baking soda ,baking powder ,salt and cinnamon. Add orange juice,and stir  in nuts and cranberries . Spread batter into prepared 12x18 inch pan.

Bateti albusurile spuma adaugati zaharul si bateti in continuare pina devine o spuma tare,incorporati galbenusurile,Adaugati uleiul ,cite putin odata. Apoi incorporati pireul de mere si de bostan ,si celelate ingrediente uscate. Adaugati sucul de lamiie, nucile si merisoarele.Turnati in tava.

3.   Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Allow to cool.

Coaceti aproximativ 30 minute ,sau pina ce scobitoarea iese curata . Lasati sa se raceasca.
Cream cheese Pumpkin frosting

  1. 1 8oz pkg cream cheese
  2. 1-1½ cup pumpkin puree
  3. 1   cup powdered sugar
  4. 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  5. 1 tsp  vanilla
  6.  2tbsp orange juice

 Crema de brinza si bostan
  1.  240 g Crema de brinza(Philadelphia )
  2.   1-1½  cana pireu de bostan
  3. 1 cana zahar pudra
  4. 1/2 lingurita scortisoara
  5. 1 lingurita vanilie
  6. 2 linguri suc de portocale(nu din concentrat)

  Beat the cream cheese in a mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Gradually add the confectioners' sugar. Add pumpkin,vanilla and orange juice. Continue beating until mixture is smooth and spreadable.
     Frecati bine crema de brinza pina devine usoara si pufoasa. Adaugati zaharul pudra,apoi bostanul,vanilia,si sucul de portocale . Amestecati bine pina ce crema devine omogena si usor de intins.                       
                                                               ENJOY!!!!!!    Pofta buna!

 With a Halloweenish look

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